who we are

About Us

Welcome to Kalvi Maram Foundation

Kalvi Maram Foundation, A non-profit organisation that addresses some of the most pressing social and environmental challenges of our time by providing free career counselling, financial assistance to poor students, clean drinking water, toilet hygiene, and the establishment of mini forests.

Kalvi Maram Foundation provides free career counselling to students in order to help them make informed decisions about their future and reach their full potential.

Furthermore, Kalvi Maram Fund supports poor students to pay for college, allowing more young people from low-income families to pursue their dreams and break the cycle of poverty.

The work of Kalvi Maram Foundation on clean drinking water and toilet hygiene emphasises the importance of public health and its improvement. The availability of safe drinking water and adequate toilet facilities can significantly improve student's quality of life and reduce disease spread.

Kalvi Maram Foundation's emphasis on tree planting and the establishment of mini forests is intended to address the critical issue of environmental degradation. Trees play an important role in reducing air pollution, improving air quality, and preventing soil erosion, and by planting more trees and creating mini forests, we can help to save our planet and promote a more sustainable future.

To summarise, the Kalvi Maram Foundation is attempting to have a significant impact in its community and beyond. Its multifaceted approach to addressing complex social and environmental challenges is an attempt to make a difference and make the world a better place for everyone.

Support Our Initiatives

Founded in 2020

Working to empower village students

Through government schools, we provide village students with the resources, skills, and opportunities they need to improve their education and life prospects.

Our Mission

Mission to make a better world

A mission to make a better world, whether through large-scale initiatives or small acts of kindness, is about creating a more just, equitable, and sustainable world for all.

KalviMaram Community

Join our community & help others

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of those in need, and we need your help.No matter your experience or background, there is a role for everyone. Let's work together to create a better world.

Our Small Act of Kindness Can Change Someone’s Life For The Better

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